Peter Webb

Peter Webb

Peter Webb Secretary Peter is the current Secretary of The Network. Peter attended his first Network meeting in May 2011. He became the interim Chair in August that year before becoming Chair later that year that continued for the next 2 years. He has served on The...
Anthony Fleetwood

Anthony Fleetwood

Anthony Fleetwood Committee Member Anthony is a qualified Chartered Accountant who commenced his career in the mid 1990s in professional practice. He held senior accounting roles in both public practice, corporate and private business before transitioning to a career...
Karlo Seci

Karlo Seci

Karlo Seci Facilitator Born to Hungarian and Croatian parents in the former Yugoslavia, Karlo moved to Sydney in the early 1990s to study Natural Therapies at Nature Care College. After graduating, he moved to the Blue Mountains near Sydney. For nine and a half years,...
Mary-Ellen Jamieson

Mary-Ellen Jamieson

Mary-Ellen Jamieson TBC My journey, like others, has had many twists and turns and I have struggled and succeeded along the way. I have learnt that life can impose circumstances on us that we have no control over, but each of us still have the choice of how we are...
Hahra Sedge

Hahra Sedge

Hahra Sedge Co-Facilitator of Support Groups Hahra is a co-facilitator of the Katoomba support group. They are a Mental Health advocate, mentor to young LGBTQA+SB (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Asexual/Agender/Ally + Sistergirl and Brotherboy [Australain...